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Powered by DrugBank Academic presents: Dr. Draško Tomić

Join Dr. Tomić for a live presentation of findings in his paper “Evaluation of the Efficacy of Cancer Drugs by Using the Second Largest Eigenvalue of Metabolic Cancer Pathways”.

Dr. Tomić created an in silico model of cancer called Vini, which transformed metabolic pathways of cancer into binding energy matrices. Vini calculated the second largest eigenvalues of these matrices and compared the results against existing in vitro and in vivo experimental results. The study found that the Vini model was effective in predicting the efficacy of cancer drugs in a majority of cases, demonstrating the importance of considering the impact of drugs on the entire cancer system.

Total Time: About 60 Minutes

Dr. Draško Tomić

A research associate at the Ruder Boskovic Institute, Zagreb, Croatia. Holding a master’s degree in computer science and a doctorate in biomechanical engineering, both from the University of Zagreb. Drasko is the author of 20 original scientific publications and numerous professional conference papers.

Powered by DrugBank Academic presents: Dr. Zaynab Hammoud

Join Dr. Hammoud for a live presentation of their research “From Graph Theory towards modelling and visualizing biomedical knowledge.”

In this presentation, Dr. Hammoud highlights their work exploring a use case aimed at finding innovative host-directed treatments for cutaneous Leishmaniasis, and the role DrugBank played. Dr. Hammoud also discusses how Multilayer Graphs were employed to model n-layer biological pathways and integrate further knowledge that influenced them. The Multipath project addresses data integration and reproducibility in research involving biological pathways.

Total Time: About 50 Minutes

Dr. Zaynab Hammoud

Ph.D. in medical bioinformatics from the GAUSS University in Göttingen Germany, and currently a research assistant at the department of IT-Infrastructure for Translational Medical Research, University of Augsburg, Germany.

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